Your Love | Teen Ink

Your Love

July 27, 2023
By adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love isn't a food dish, a taste, a seasoning.

Love was never a place, a room, a corner.

Love won't be a party, a drink, or a drug.

Love was always your voice, your breath, your eyes.

Your scent, your taste, your touch.

Your energy, your aura, your vibes.


You are my lover, and you always have been.

The author's comments:

This poem is in response to "My Love"; another poem of mine. It's meant to be read in the order of "Your Love" and then, "My Love" because, it's meant to look like two poets in love. There will be a possibility they'll turn into stories but I'm not sure.

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