My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

July 27, 2023
By adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My love for you has absolutely no shape or

form in existence. 

There is absolutely nothing

that can compare to it, for it is nothing like the

rest. I'd do anything and everything, but even

that alone wouldn't be equivalent to the place

my heart holds for you. 

The space so

consuming that it took up all of my organs and


Must there be a time where my body

starts decaying, may my love pass onto

whomsoever may love you just as much as I


The author's comments:

This poem I wrote on a whim; I didn't have anyone in mind for it. This poem has a response for it though. It is meant to seem like two poets writing about each other. There might be a short story for it but who knows.

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