Hopeless Wishes | Teen Ink

Hopeless Wishes

July 24, 2023
By adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
adelina_writes SILVER, Nutley, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wanted days where I would dance in the rain with my friends, leaving muddy tracks in the house. I wanted days where I'd play in the snow and build myself a snowman with a carrot nose. 


I wanted days full of sun, bees buzzing, and picking dandelion bouquets to give to our kindergarten crushes. I wanted days where I'd hop in puddles and complain about soaked boots. 


I wanted days at the beach where I made a sandcastle and buried a friend in the sand. I wanted days of warm hot chocolate and big marshmallows that bothered my jaw to chew. 


I wanted days with picnics and tea parties. I wanted days where my birthday was bragged about to everyone in the school.


I got days when I'd worry about getting sick from rain and getting struck by thunder.I got days when it didn't snow on Christmas and my presents weren't what I asked for.


I got days when I was worried about contracting diseases by mosquitoes and getting stung by bees.I got days when puddles were disgusting and dirty.


I got days when the air was too hot and the beaches were too crowded and bathing suits meant showing off your body. I got days when hot chocolate was too fattening and the marshmallows weren't big.


I got days when ants and bugs got in the food when outside and a plethora of friends became only one. I got days when my birthday was widely forgotten by my friends and they didn't have time to celebrate with me.


Ignorance isn't bliss, I know that now. I just wanted days when I was a kid again.

The author's comments:

This poem was about the times when I'd see these kids having fun and making memories. As I grew up most of mine were forgotten or because of how I worried about things at such an early age. This piece was about my hopeless wishes.

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