Peppermints | Teen Ink


July 16, 2023
By Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can resist everything except temptation" - Oscar Wilde


I have three peppermints sitting in my drawer.

Leftover from eager handfuls from the glass jar in your office.

Forgotten in my back pocket.

All they do is remind me of your smile, your voice and the way your office smelled.

The way you could calm me down but also rile me up. Rough house when we probably shouldn’t have but i don’t regret it.

Cuz now it’s over and i miss you and all i have left is three peppermints in my drawer.

The author's comments:

I graduated recently and moving on in life and just really miss the people that made every day worth living. This is about one of those people.

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