Like Mother, Like Daughter | Teen Ink

Like Mother, Like Daughter

June 11, 2023
By ana_m BRONZE, Ras Al-Khaimah, Other
ana_m BRONZE, Ras Al-Khaimah, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day, I fear

I'll look into the mirror

And see my mother

Gazing back at me.

Each part of her body,

A reminder of what she has lost;

What has been destroyed

As a result of my existence.

The wrinkles between her brows

Folded like the curtains of our home,

Making an appearance

Each scold she gives.


The stout stomach

She resents me

For coming out of

And leaving scarred.


The colossal heart

Filled with burning passion

So hot, it scalds the skin

Of all those who dare to challenge it.


Passion that my temper

And childish ways

Managed to dim down

And slaughter.


Though it has cooled in her heart,

The passion continues to live inside me,

Its flames dancing

And raging each passing day.


I'll let it consume me whole

And set my soul aflame

Rather than watch it fade

Into a mere teenage dream.

The author's comments:

This is my first time publishing my work on this website. I'd appreciate feedback and constructive criticism! 

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