You Did | Teen Ink

You Did

April 4, 2023
By inmywords SILVER, Athens, Other
inmywords SILVER, Athens, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I know you loved me.

At least I think you did.

It’s funny I seem to question it a lot these days,

I never would have done that before.


It never would have even crossed my mind,

The fact that you might not love me,

The fact you might have never loved me.

Was it all in my head?


I don’t think it was,

No, no,

I am sure it wasn’t.

You aren’t that good of an actor,

And even if you are,

I was never fooled by your performances.


It wasn’t an act,

It was not fake.

Nothing about it was fake.

Nothing about our love was fake,

Nothing about your love for me was fake.


It was all so pure,

The way you loved me,

The way you looked at me,

The way you cared.

The way you said my name.


Oh, that name,

That name that does not belong to me anymore,

That name that only belongs to you,

And no one else.


That name you took away from me,

Without my consent,

You took it away from me,

Along with your love,

The love that you did in fact have,

But do not anymore.

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