untitled 10/27/22 | Teen Ink

untitled 10/27/22

March 30, 2023
By gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything, what a waste."

you are an art piece.

with your agonizing jawline i can’t stop staring at–

internally melting at the gaze;

and your full lips i desire to brush by–

maybe too much.

the only difference being that once people observe an artistic piece–

they leave.

they go on with their lives,

remembering a tiny glimpse of their day

included a little art exhibit.

but i cannot leave you,

i won’t be able to leave you.

if the day ever comes where you move on,

i will stay where you left me.

i will remember your touch always,

your haunting smile,

the imprint of your hand on my back,

and the anticipation of seeing you in between my day.

you will never know how much you mean to me–

whether that is good or bad,

i am completely and utterly in love with everything about you.

nothing could ever change my feelings.

i am attached.

i am bound to your wrists,

your fingers,

your face,

your smell.

i hope this is never over.

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