Beautiful Sensations | Teen Ink

Beautiful Sensations

March 22, 2023
By gracetao BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
gracetao BRONZE, Hillsborough, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

(Inspired by William Gaddis’ J R)

“A screaming comes across the sky,”

In bright, oversaturated colors.

The hypothermic blue of a frigid March

Shining violently through 

silhouettes of trees already barren--

Charred black remains of verdant forests

Against the sky. 

The earth trembled beneath the crowd,

Deep pits of hatred 


Shallow valleys, slow rivers, of sorrow…

They all seemed to enjoy it.

They photographed the sky and 

Marveled at its grand beauty, laughed

At the sensations beneath their feet…

It was all great stimulation for their

Dead bodies. 

The author's comments:

On materialism, consumerism, addiction, etc.

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