Nighttime Ghosts | Teen Ink

Nighttime Ghosts

February 4, 2023
By marleysayala BRONZE, San Francisco, California
marleysayala BRONZE, San Francisco, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s always 

late at night.

In the loud overbearing silence.

Darkness engulfing me.

Surrounding my entire being.

Slowly creeping, 

seeping into my mind.

It’s only

late at night.

When I’m left alone with my thoughts.

When my mind goes blank and the darkness intrudes.

Going over every moment, conversation, every word, tone-

filling the room around me,

Trailing into the pitch-black abyss


Once it starts,

It won’t stop.

Not till my pillowcase is soaked in tears with the memories and dreams built for


Not till the ringing in my ears and tightness in my chest fades away-

My eyelids too heavy to hold the weight of longing.

Night is when the ghost of past comes out to play.

I dread the night

Because I'm afraid of the dark.

The author's comments:

This is a feeling I know most people get, and I wanted to put it into words. I prefer morning quiet much more than night quiet; but sometimes we need to feel that drowning, to know when we're doing just fine floating. 

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