2004 | Teen Ink


November 26, 2022
By Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
Kathl33n2004 BRONZE, Montgomery, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I can resist everything except temptation" - Oscar Wilde

Can we go back to when kids were just kids ?

When swimsuits were just swimsuits and I wasn’t deemed “too much”.

To when dirt wasn’t dirty and candy didn’t mean calories.

 When dads didn’t get deployed and Halloween was for looking cool. 

When little brothers were little and newborn sisters were new.

When Santa was real and fights were over toys and not boys.

 When kisses were only love not manipulation and Grandpas lived forever.

 When politics weren’t the biggest discussion topic and sleepovers were for games not secrets. Back before air became flavoured and drinks became bitter. 

When I didn’t have to be good at it to do it and sports were for everyone. 

When double chins were cute and pictures were fun. 

When my mom did my hair and cleaned my clothes. 

When going outside wasn’t scary and Christmas Eve was spent at grandparents' houses.

When CareBears was my favourite show and Christmas dresses were mandatory. 

When you didn’t have to pay the bill and bluebonnet pictures were still precious.

 When Finding Nemo was still sold on VHS and church wasn’t a punishment.

Now T-Shirts come cropped and I tie my own shoes.

 I take my own pictures and I make my own meals. 

Talk of graduation runs rampant and I don't like how it feels.

 My pencils are now mechanical, my brother diabolical.

 I blinked and I grew up.I step off the carousel and in my hand a ticket stub. 

A date stamped on the back: WARNING expires May 22, 2022.

“I’m a grown up”, I whisper to no one.

I grew.

The author's comments:

I graduate in May, and as I was thinking about that this came to me, about who i  used to be, where I've been and who I'm becoming. I needed to get it out. I wrote and wrote, and I think I spent my hour and a half history class writing and editing it. I showed it to my freshman English teacher,Mrs.Pope, who I show everything I write, and she really liked it. She'll be honest if she didn't, but she really liked it, so I showed my Ap Lit teacher, Mrs. Hedges, and she told me to submit it to teenInk, so I did.

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