love 4/26/22 | Teen Ink

love 4/26/22

July 6, 2022
By gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything, what a waste."

i know you will not be the only lover in my life.

i know i will have other boys or girls that will make me laugh, 

with their crooked smiles.

i know i will have someone to lay next to, 

and hope my mother will adore them. 

i know my friends will exclaim that i need to be careful, 

once again.

but i know i will never have someone blatantly flirtatious in their words to somewhat annoy me and disclose love,

i know i will never have someone to hug as tight as you, 

even though you hated to embrace but did anyway to please me.

but most of all, 

i know i will never have someone that appears with your personality, 

as it kills and lingers my soul for ages. 

i hope one day i can sleep near someone with a warm breath, 

and share interests as i did with you, 

but when i am questioned why i walked out of a relationship—your haunting gaze reminds me of who i fell for, 

and how you took advantage.

The author's comments:

A poem written post-relationship in my perspective of someone who's love language is touch. 

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