Hidden 4/30/22 | Teen Ink

Hidden 4/30/22

July 6, 2022
By gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
gabriellebunz SILVER, Mesa, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To make yourself feel nothing so as not to feel anything, what a waste."

When I captivate your bewildering grin,

I find it difficult to comprehend that-

the world’s existence was not created

for your spitting image.

Not developed for your laughter,


or accomplishment.

Not cultivated for your perspective,


or beautiful profile that leaves me shocked,

speechless and tired.

But I know the universe is gazing at you, 

for this world is just as complex as you are;


The author's comments:

A poem for the ones that wear their heart on their sleeve; or in other words, the indescribable feeling of realizing you are falling deeply in love with someone, and in my case, which I didn't realize until after this poem, they didn't feel the same. 

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