Ignorance is Bliss | Teen Ink

Ignorance is Bliss

May 20, 2022
By Anonymous

Just finding out

how cruel we can be


The humanity I knew

is only a dream


Never knew 

what I could never see


Read that "Ignorance is Bliss"

and I'm just finding out

what that's all about

yet I still don't know 

so much


I'm scared, but I guess:

We all have an impact

and we must not forget that.

The author's comments:

I recently watched a movie that really struck me because of its severe nature. As a high school freshman, I'm starting to find out so much I never knew about the world. Not all of it is good, but at the same time, I try to remember that we are all creating our world at this moment. What we bring can change the world, and we all have a voice. People like Malala, John Lewis, and Rosa Parks have changed the world through their actions. And we can do the same. 

This poem is a testimony to this privilege we all process. It is an urgent reminder to anyone who has ever felt helpless or scared. You're not alone!

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