L'(Extra)ordinaire | Teen Ink


February 21, 2022
By Zehn BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Zehn BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

(L’(Extra)ordinaires means The Extraordinary in French)


What is disability; what does ‘different-ness’ mean?

I looked up the internet for some insights to glean.

A societal imposition on those who to normal don’t conform,

A label, a pronouncement, in my opinion, way too strong!

In one swoop, it just calls out how a person doesn’t fit,

Ousting from mainstream and a right at the table to sit.

These sweeping generalizations are senseless, at best,

We should put this labelling once and for all to rest!


The greatest minds of yesteryears, had disabilities galore,

Those fuelled their very passions and led them to do more.

Hellen Keller, Frida Kahlo, Einstein and Stephen Hawking too,

Bocelli, Beethoven and Van Gough; just to name a few!

Every one of these geniuses had crippling special needs,

Yet their legacies live on through generations for all to see.


Sometimes well-meaning people don’t know how to react,

With differently abled people, they’re just thrown off track.

Sometimes they show pity and sometimes sympathize,

They do it out of kindness, and don’t really realize.

No matter how different people may look or seem or sound,

Inclusion through act and deed are needed on the ground.

Rather than do that ‘look-and-look away’ kind of glance,

Smile, be your genuine self, make kindness your stance!


Empathy is the superpower the world needs most today,

For every single person is unique, in a very special way.

Sometimes disabilities are very visible for all the world to see,

But invisible ones are just as terrible, I’m sure you will agree!

Everyone is fighting a battle, of which you have no clue,

And their mighty problems might be unknown to you.

So let us celebrate fellow humans, irrespective of their state,

Appreciate all differences, move from being good to being great!

The author's comments:

A freshly minted teenager, Zehn, is currently based out of New Delhi, India. She is a student of Grade 9 at Vasant Valley School. Zehn is a passionate, empathetic, focussed student with an incredible capacity for hard work. She represents the growing population of students worldwide who have special needs. Zehn has developed a special brand of empathy (her own superpower!) that arises from being able to walk for a mile in her fellow students' (albeit rather painful!) shoes! Her story of rising above her disability and not letting it define her, is exemplary and inspiring for all students. Recently selected to be a member of her schools Outreach Council, she feels strongly about and is committed to giving back to the community that has enabled her to be what she is today. This poem is inspired by her experiences and having seen how it literally takes a village to pitch in  she hopes to be able to pay it forward in a meaningful way by virtue of her rich experiences.

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