The dream of today | Teen Ink

The dream of today

February 20, 2022
By deathsangel16 BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
deathsangel16 BRONZE, South Hill, Virginia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never try to fit in with a crowd, because fitting in will make you become a person that you didn't know you could be, and it will change your entire life in that instant...."

If I’m gonna be honest

America is dying

So much stuff is going on

I bet you Martin Luther King’s cryin’

He said  “I Have a Dream”but it  didn’t come out as planned,

They tell us “Just keep livin” but I don’t think that we can

Life gets harder everyday

Cause of the color of our skin,

I be askin’ the Lord “When will our new day begin?”

Mommas buryin’ they babies, almost every two hours

I told the gardeners “You need to start plantin’ more flowers”

Martin asked “When will you be satisfied?” 

When we all get justice for our black daughters

And when they stop makin’ families cry

“We will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters”

That’s his words, not mine so we need to stop givin’ out orders

“Let us not wallow in the valley of despair,” he said 

But what we’re doing today, feels  like we don’t even care

Innocent, black lives get taken all day

People, cryin’, fightin’, cause  they want justice their way

I’m very disappointed in America today,

We’re supposed to be united,

Not divided in this way

No name callin’, no judgin’

Just lovin’ and huggin’

Martin had a dream that needs to come true,

So imma do my part

Now what about you?

“I Have a Dream” needs to be a reality

That’s what I’m sayin’

So let’s stand together and bring together nations

The author's comments:

This was made for a project for Martin Luther King Jr. day and we had to compare his speech to our world and the society we live in today. The question she asked was, "Did Martin's dream become a reality, or are we not there yet?" And that's how this poem was created.

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