Birthdays | Teen Ink


January 19, 2022
By Dvmpsterfyre BRONZE, Jericho, New York
Dvmpsterfyre BRONZE, Jericho, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tell me,

Do you remember your first birthday?

Your second?


What about your fifth?

I thought so.

“It will be the most memorable birthday”

Say your parents.

“You’ll always remember this one”

They say next year.

But here I ask you,

How many birthdays,

Can you remember in full?

Some of it?

I reckon,

That the birthdays you can remember,

Are the ones that mean something.

“The big 1-0”

Your parents called it.

“How does it feel to be a teen?”

Said your parents.

“You can practice with my car”

Said one of your parents.

“I remember when I first held you in my arms,

And now,

You’re leaving those arms”

Said your parents.

And all the while,

They too,

Had birthdays.

But instead of speeding up,

They were slowing down.

“Slow down a bit”

They said,

As they were chasing you.

“Don't get too far ahead of us”

They shouted,

As they grew further behind you.

“I’m too tired right now,

Maybe later”

They said,

As they lay on the couch.

Every year,

A birthday.

Until one year,

They have their last.

You still have your own birthdays.

But they’re not the same.

Life goes on,

But it’s not the same.

Every year,

A birthday.

Until one year,

You too,

Will have your last.

The author's comments:

This poem is a product of my realization that I'll be 16 in 3 months, and realizing that every birthday has felt a little different as the years go by. Less and less kids were invited, and it becomes closer friends more than anything. More responsibilities with each birthday too. It serves as a reminder that when you're having fun an getting faster and bigger, your parents are slowing down and getting less able to be active in the same ways as when you're young. 

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