Right Under Your Nose | Teen Ink

Right Under Your Nose

January 12, 2022
By gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Many people wonder

what goes on in the psyche of others?

The solution is simple; it’s right under your nose. 

No, really. Right under your nose.

The soft pink flesh that rests at the bottom the face,

reveals more than anyone could imagine. 

The way her lips turn upward at the edges

whenever she hears your name,

tells the story of the butterflies that fill her stomach,

simply at the thought of you. 

How he nips at the peeling surface surrounding his mouth

as he tries to concentrate,

makes known the struggle he faces

as he tries to keep up with the constant pressure.

The way your mother’s delicate beak swiftly menuevres

as she scolds you for things that seem insignificant

displays her stress and lack of composure.

How your grandfather’s dry mouth expands to form a smile,

kind of like an old oyster revealing it’s pearl,

as you walk across the stage:

He is proud of you. 

The touch of a loved one’s lush, damp kissers

as they give you a seal of love,

reminding you just how much they care. 

It’s remarkable, isn’t it? 

How much the fleshy cavity

that resides at the bottom of the face can tell us  

without really telling us anything at all. 

There is a way to see inside a soul:

the answer is right under your nose. 

The author's comments:

I was trying really hard to come up with an idea for a poem, and I thought to myself "come on, it's gotta be right under your nose". Then it came to me. We had just learned about writing poems about objects in class, so I thought it was perfect. 

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