We Are Just Friends | Teen Ink

We Are Just Friends

January 12, 2022
By gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
gabbynoble BRONZE, Mount Clemens, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Yeah, just friends. 

That is all we were. 

Sure there were some deeper feelings,

but they were never yours. 

I really, truly thought

we could be something more. 

Your presence always ensconced me,

but that was just the power of friendship, of course. 

My heart was utterly shattered

when I heard you say those four words:

“We are just friends.” 

The most hapless thing I‘ve ever heard. 

The author's comments:

This piece was written about someone whom I shared a very close relationship with, and developed feelings for. However, they did not feel the same way. I think this poem could be very relatable to other teens, because a lot of us are feeling very strong emotions right now, specifically in terms of romance. 

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