Nature | Teen Ink


September 30, 2021
By Jrat BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
Jrat BRONZE, Canton, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the outdoors away from cities is nature
It has real trees and plants with no light pollution
The trees whisper in the wind
And the leaves wave in Autumn
Nature has clean crisp water
Nature has wild animals
Prey and predator
Humans hunt both for food
When the moon rests on the midnight sky
And when the sun is up
They have done it for thousands of years
And humans still do it to this day
But today they have more advanced technology
Like high powered guns and bows
Nowadays there are restrictions
Restrictions on weapons and seasons
Because of people who kill for sport
Nature is beautiful
But in its beauty
Lies nothing but danger
It's not just land animals to worry about
What's lurking in water
Is many fish
Predator fish
And things like gators
Predators will eat anything if hungry enough
They lurk so you cannot see
And strike until last second
Until it's too late

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