Majestic Jaswand | Teen Ink

Majestic Jaswand

June 24, 2021
By Anonymous

"How arrogant we humans are!

To keep using Her parts to satisfy our greed",

I thought, as I saw the Jaswand.

My fingers moved to touch its petals,

As if in a trance.

The mere anticipation of its softness,

Made my heart flutter.

I was going to be few of the lucky ones

Who this majestic flower would grace. 


But hastily, I pulled my hand back!

What grave error I would have done!

We do not deserve the joy the Jaswand would have brought us.

This heavenly flower is reserved only for Ek-dant

Its Creator, and the only one who deserves it

Who unlike us cruel humans,

Will treat this delicate beauty with kindness and honour


So I turned around and saw Her one last time

And with great difficulty, I ran away.

Leaving the flower with my mother

Who I knew would treat her as she deserved

And I prayed I could grow up to be someone

Whom the Nature will not be afraid of,

But willing invite into Her arms.

The author's comments:

It was Padwa, Maharashtrian New Year, and we do Ganpati's pooja, and Jaswand or Red Hibiscus is Ganpati's favourite flower, and its so beautiful! 

When I was a kid, I always use to play with its petals, because they were so soft, and red colour was so intoxicating, but now that I am grown up, I understand exactly how bad humans are to Nature. And we really have no business using whatever our nature offers us, unless we can treat nature with the same kindness that She treats us with.

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on Aug. 3 2021 at 2:35 pm
JustMe_Vaanya SILVER, Dehradun, Other
7 articles 9 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Una Vida, I have come to accept that I cant experience everything in life. But what I will, I'll experience deeply..."<br /> -Shivya Nath

It's true. In all parts of India, we are using up Ma's creations recklessly, in the name of religion or development. This realization needs to be incurred by all the people.