I Come From.... | Teen Ink

I Come From....

April 16, 2021
By Riley97 BRONZE, Wescosville, Pennsylvania
Riley97 BRONZE, Wescosville, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I was younger I came from laughter and smiles

From bedtime stories and lullabies

From fun games and tricks

I came from A’s and high B’s

From creativity and good motivation

From “You can do or be anything you want if you put your mind to it”

From fun sunny days

From kept promises

From time with many friends and a whole, happy family

From moving and exploring new places


As time went on though

I started to come from yelling and screaming

Daily fights

From “You’re doing great” to “You’re not trying hard enough”, “Lazy”, “It isn’t hard”

I come from being compared to other family members whom I myself did not like 

From being forced to do things that I couldn’t or didn’t want to do

I come from bottled feelings and fake joy

I come from coping with music

From being scared to let everyone down

From putting everyone else first and not helping myself

From small friend groups

From having to grow up early

From feeling as if it’s my job to fix everything

I come from keeping secrets

From everyone thinking I’m ok

I come from my broken family

From broken promises

From heartbreak and pain

I come from knowing things I shouldn’t at such a young age

I come from a horrid past and no one knows

I come from caring for myself and my sisters

From having to feel like an adult and having to know and fix everything

I come from a lost… No, taken childhood

I come…..


from me.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem when I read "I Come From" by Robert Seatter.

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