I guess I shouldn't have | Teen Ink

I guess I shouldn't have

March 19, 2021
By dianaa25 BRONZE, Graz, Other
dianaa25 BRONZE, Graz, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The things you said to me 

I believed them 

Every word, every syllable, every letter

Tumbling out of your pretty mouth 

my body soaked them up

Just like the oxygen 

It seemed to need so desperately 

Whenever I was around you

Because it always felt as if every last breath

Was drawn out of my lungs 


I believed you when you told me 

How much you loved my freckles

Which adored my nose and my cheeks

As soon as the first rays of summer sun hit my skin


Or how all of your friends envied you 

For being with me

Because I apparently was 

What every guy dreamt of

When you heard me laugh 

There was no sound more magnificent 

In the whole wide universe


When we were lying under the cherry tree 

In your backyard at one a.m. 

Gazing upon the night sky and you said that 

Yes, the stars were pretty, even beautiful

But their beauty could never compete with mine

I believed you

But then I found out

That I wasn't the only one you called beautiful and lovely and kind

I wasn't the only one

You talked to on the phone for hours

Or the one you surprised 

With chocolate and a comforting hug after a stressful day


Another girl was curled up against your chest while watching a movie 

Another girl combed her fingers through your hair 

And chuckled when she told you how badly you needed it cut

Just like I did


You made another girl laugh 

With your stupid jokes

And you made her entire world light up

When you told her you loved her


She took my place and I'm not here anymore

And I wonder how that happened

Because I thought that 

You could never replace me

Because you said 

I had the most exquisite body, mind, heart and soul

Because I believed you


I guess I shouldn't have

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