Regret | Teen Ink


March 12, 2021
By Anonymous

If only I weren’t so selfish.

If only I hadn’t brought you to that party.

If only I hadn’t let you drink

so much,

so fast,

so young.

If only I hadn’t left you there alone.

If only I hadn’t ignored those calls -

your calls -

your last calls.


If only I had stayed.

If only I had torn that bottle from your grip.

If only I had been there to give you a ride,

to hold your hand,

to tell you it would all be okay.


Then, maybe -

just maybe -

it would have.

Been all okay, I mean.


But you can’t change the past, can you?


I know the ‘if only’s can’t bring you back,

but I could have kept you from leaving.

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