Fire | Teen Ink


February 19, 2021
By ssuper-novaa BRONZE, Lake City, Minnesota
ssuper-novaa BRONZE, Lake City, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You set off a mix of emotions in me

like a clash of cotton candy

and lemon salt.

Sour and bitter memories

outweighing the sweet ones

because i trusted your sugar-coated

words and promises like a fool.

To be fair, you did warn me,

saying you weren’t a person

I should have fallen for and I didn’t listen.

I wish i had,

because if i had listened,

maybe i could’ve avoided

the heartbreak that would follow.

The day you left, I didn't cry.

No, i was numb;

it took several days to sink in and when it did,

all hell broke loose. I stopped living.

Instead, I was like the shadows in the night.

Always there, quiet, and unnoticable.

I burned my emotions with the fiery rage

you had set alight in my chest.

I lost myself and you never apologized.

Instead, you forgot me and went to light

another girl’s heart. 

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