My Poem Of Sadness-Remembering Her | Teen Ink

My Poem Of Sadness-Remembering Her

December 4, 2019
By Anonymous


That is what lingers when I set foot on that beach. 

A feeling of sorrow slowly chips away at 

My will, 

A shard of despair eats away at my feet, 

And I crumble. 

Doubled over in grief, 

I remember her loving face. 

Her eyes, 

The way they made me smile. 

Her hugs, 

The way they carried joy throughout my veins. 

It is no secret that I miss her. 

And no secret the way she loved me. 

Her death left me helpless, 

Overwhelmed with despair. 

Her impact left me clueless. 

Clueless on how I could ever forget the way she touched my heart. 

Her disappearance is like an endless hole. 

One that is slowly swallowing me from the inside out,

Eating away at my ever-so-growing ambition.

It is like an infection. 

Slowly invading the presence of my being.  

Growing stronger every second, 

Conquering new eras. 

Chipping away at my endless despair. 

Undetected until it is too late. 

Too late to stop the mass swarm of annihilation. 

The truth can never be accepted, 

The precious moments can never be lost. 

Though her legacy will remain untouched, 

It is the utmost powerful, 

The utmost alluring. 

Just like sunsets come and go,

The appealing colors of life are slowly drained from the 

Everyday aspects of our wellness.

I was blind.

Never knowing the true impact she had on me until she left this earth. 

Now my broken self is forced to ponder

How I will overcome the challenge of life without her by my side. 

Sometimes I wonder how we can 

Sleep at night knowing that people are suffering, 

overcome with deep hatred and sorrow. 

I wonder how we could possibly look evil and the eye and simply turn our backs

on such horrid acts. 

The solution to these problems are in our grasp, 

Inches away from our strides. 

But we do nothing. 

Even though we know we are that close, 

We do nothing. 

We shy away like cowards, 

Avoid venturing into the unknown. 

We do nothing. 

In a way,

We are afraid. 

Afraid of what might become of us if we take a stand. 

She took a stand,

Dedicated her life to helping others, 

To guiding us through darkness,

Finding the light in the hardest of all moments. 

She took people in when they were in need of a mother,

She opened her loving arms to anybody who felt lost. 

She changed the world. 

And so will I. 

One day, we will realize the impact of our mistakes,

The legacy they have on this earth. 

And we will fix them. 

One day, one day…        

Sometimes it is the smallest actions that guide us through life,

And it is the smallest actions that will change the world,

The smallest actions that will leave an untouchable footprint on this earth,

Just like the footprints we left in the sand on that memorable day. 

The last day I saw her alive. 

The author's comments:

This peice is dedicated to a beloved person that I lost. 

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