To my sister... | Teen Ink

To my sister...

July 13, 2019
By Julianaf SILVER, Congers, New York
Julianaf SILVER, Congers, New York
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

They say if you love someone let them go

but then why did I want to cling tight

to the girl that was with me for 15 years

in every heartbreak, test grade or fight

Perhaps I was afraid that she would change

a new home away from home

but no our bonds were way to tight 

she was ready to be alone


But alas I was the foolish one 

and when I let go, she drifted away

Now no more time for her little sis

not even the time of day

My partner, my accomplice , my closest friend

I miss you day and night

But change can be a good thing to

Isnt that right?

The author's comments:

This poem is dedicated to my sister. When she went away to college we drifted apart but luckily we have made amends 

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