Now... | Teen Ink


June 20, 2019
By Tyger131 BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Tyger131 BRONZE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Now, such an anomalous time indeed,

course, now is not forever,

and life is a strange endeavour,

What is the point of anything anyway?

Soon we will be forgotten,

A dark oblivion to be caught in.

The stars will go dark,

not a single spark,

Thus, all will be gone,

and the Universe will sigh its last yawn...

Death awaits us all, it’s pointless!

Ah, but that is so not so,

Sure, It’s pointless,

But only now we breathe the air around us to breath,

Live the life given to us to live,

Someone may be taking their first steps,

And someone may be giving their last breaths,

Life and death, freedom and oppression, light and darkness, spirit and sorrow,

all collide at single point.

It’s all happening Right Now…

The author's comments:

I wrote this sort of as a protest against the undermination of the present. Humans seem to be so focused on what's going to happen and not whats actually happening.

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