Princess | Teen Ink


June 12, 2019
By bharatiya_chokri BRONZE, Pune, Other
bharatiya_chokri BRONZE, Pune, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

O my dear princess,
This isn't a fairytale,
This is life.

Your luscious blonde hair don't reach for your knees,
And your baby pink gown is seldom seen.
The only corset that binds you is that of society.
Your glass slippers don't crack, but your heart does.
No charming princes,
No fairy godmothers,
No magic.
Just you.

Each new day comes with a new challenge,
Not with a new dress.
Your weapon isn't your gullibility,
It's the sword of your robustness.
The witch of doubt arrives each day to haunt you,
And you fight back with perfection.

So my dear princess,
Be the warrior you are.
And fight your battle everyday,
With the world.
And with yourself.

The author's comments:

During childhood, almost every girl aspires to be a princess. But as she grows, she realizes the reality of the harsh world. This poem discusses what it means to be a true princess in today's world. Not the long hair, princes or the crown, but strength, confidence and acceptance make one a true princess. 

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