Autobiography of Alvin (derived from Love Don’t Cost a Thing) | Teen Ink

Autobiography of Alvin (derived from Love Don’t Cost a Thing)

June 6, 2019
By jayliahhandy BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
jayliahhandy BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I walked down

the halls at school,

they were there.

It was their hall, they said.

I had no business in it.

I was just the “pool boy”,

someone who didn't belong

with athletes, basketball players,

popular and mean,

I needed a plan

like I needed air.

I make a bet with an girl.

If i fix your mom’s car

you have to be my girlfriend,

for       two  weeks.

My recipe popularity.

And so I do, and so she is.

The couple weeks fly,

And I am popular because of a deal.

But the bargain cost me more.

My old friends don’t care

for the dust of  popularity.

And I can’t forget about them.

My new friends wipe away the dust

And I’m not popular because of a deal.

the me and this gorgeous girl deal,

The world stops talking to me.

It’s a quiet lesson.  

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