Morning Walks | Teen Ink

Morning Walks

May 26, 2019
By izabella_manigault2018 BRONZE, Cerritos, California
izabella_manigault2018 BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Morning Walks With You


Sweeter and wetter than fresh honey dew

Dancing and Prancing

Live action show for their morning commute

We’d walk and we’d walk until the soles of our feet grew softer than soft.

Tea sweet like candy, only a dollar

How could you not tell I was just tryna holla?


Morning Walks With You


First one, then two, two times a week

We’d wake up so early so that we could meet.

Not a dime to your name, but you didn’t mind.

Just as long as I came and we had plenty of time.

I could always make you laugh and you didn’t know how.

You try to smile in the mornings, but usually frown.

Not with me though, you could never be down.

Floating higher and higher, we never touched the damn ground.


Morning Walks With You


At least I thought

Tryna hide my feelings. Didn’t wanna get caught.

We’d walk and we’d walk, but no longer talked…

Because at this point we knew, my canvas ain’t blue.

Each walk, each Wednesday, I’d grow redder for you.

Red like the flowers you told me never to pick.

They had lives of their own. They didn’t wanna grow stiff.

Stiff in my hands with the best of intentions.

She just wasn’t ready for this damn intervention.

She knew in her heart. She was red. That was true.

“Sorry though, Izzy, I could never for you.”


Morning Walks With Her


Lines of commun. They were finally dead.

She was jaded from the ideas I had put in her head.

“Friends we could be,” she always told me.

But my truth had to sting, of course I was lonely.

She took it all in, accepted our fate.

By cutting me off, I would never really wait.

Two years in counting, she shouldn’t be doubting.

I’ll be here waiting, our Roots still left grounded.


Morning Walks With Her


Back right corner, that’s where you’ll find me

You done reminiscing of what wasn’t to be?


I say no ‘cuz I’ll never get out.

Trapped in this body, with no outgrowing spout

My feels with no heals, these heals meant for walking.

Walking. That’s fine cuz I know we’re not talking.


The Morning Walks Were Nice

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