The Life Of A Single Mom | Teen Ink

The Life Of A Single Mom

May 21, 2019
By Crystalina BRONZE, Laverne, California
Crystalina BRONZE, Laverne, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


From dusk to dawn,

While I’m feeling

Like I’m just a pawn.

My Paycheck

Comes back low.

My fingers numb

Like they’ve been in snow.


When I’ll get some rest.

My head pounding,

My heart hurting in my chest.

Feeling like

I have no use.

I have a daughter

so that no excuse,

I hope this pattern

won’t be a trend,

It’s solely for her

so she won’t have to fend,

Only then

can she ascend,

But for now,

I can only pretend.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for my mom. She had worked so hard her whole life to keep food on the table and clothes on our backs. She is very much appreaciated, so I wrote this poem in her and any other single moms that can relate perspective's.

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