Self-Extraction | Teen Ink


March 4, 2019
By RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
RachelSchwartz GOLD, Lakeland, Florida
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I knew not where my feet were leading me

The worn shoes I dragged along watched me bleed

But I kept moving forward to crystalize

My process of thought, to rationalize

But I could not face my own lies

I had to see your face, look into your eyes


I walked to your doorstep in the middle of the night

A sign read, "Beware," but, of course, I didn't care

I watched you rise from your soiled chair

The darkness of mine was nothing compared

To the lack of light in your eyes

I might’ve cried, but I didn’t

Instead, I slightly died


I pretended to care for you not

Picked a flower petal and called the shot

But I knew in my heart what I sincerely felt

So I buried it deeper

And I locked myself out


You, I did not remember

The same house, the same air, window and chair

Your face was familiar

I once knew your face, now a blank place

Far from unchanged

I couldn’t pinpoint it, what you’d erased

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