Bubbling Over | Teen Ink

Bubbling Over

March 1, 2019
By kafennell BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
kafennell BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Like a pot overboiled

too much heat will have you bubbling over

but sometimes the heat applied

seems to be for a sizzling simmer

but causes a bubble bath in our pot

we’re told to calm down,

that it’s not a big deal

but snap sizzle shout

you bubble over

when too much is in our pot

a dash of sleepless nights

marinated with too much homework

then snap sizzle shout

you need a time out

it’s time we turn the heat down

let the bubbles pop away

just breathe in and out

so we don’t snap sizzle shout

stop spreading the heat

stop rising problems to the surface

don’t snap sizzle shout

just fizzle out

The author's comments:

This piece is about getting overwhelmed and stressed out. Sometimes I have a lot of things on my plate and it almost pushes me to my breaking point. This poem is about that and how you have to try to breathe and calm down before it gets to be too much to handle. 

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