Autism | Teen Ink


February 19, 2019
By EricaDestler BRONZE, El Cajon, California
EricaDestler BRONZE, El Cajon, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's candle burns too briefly not to live in the moment."

I want the world to understand.

I'm not trying to be rude.

I'm not mad at you.

When I flap my hands,

I appreciate your concern,

But I am okay,

Just deep in thought,

And I don't always want to talk.


I shatter stereotypes every day.

I stim with my headphones and fidgets

While I study for a bunch of advanced classes.

I am very outgoing and brave

Until I am overwhelmed and shut down.

Once people understand,

I want to be accepted the way I am.

Flappy hands, social awkwardness, and all.

Because I have Autism.

I see the world in a unique way.

I can be easily overwhelmed.

I can come across as rude without intending to.


My disability does not define me,

Except when people let it.

I sometimes feel like I am seen

As two different women.

The girl who gets all A grades,

Plays the violin in the orchestra,

And is on the school academic team,

And the girl who has mild special needs.

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