Keystone Species | Teen Ink

Keystone Species

January 30, 2019
By katie24lozier BRONZE, Ben Lomond, California
katie24lozier BRONZE, Ben Lomond, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the early mornings and sunsets

Sunrises and staying until dusk

The different crustaceans and aquatic plants

Countless mussels, slowly taking over the intertidal

Seastars, slowly fading away

The cause?


Their colors slowly vanishing

Until they’re just a small mound

Of decaying flesh

They’re just seastars one might say

Basic biology would have taught you why

Why a keystone species is integral to the environment

Why one must save the bees

Why sharks should not be shunned

Why that woodpecker is not a nuisance, but an architect for bats and birds

Why that seastar

Is truly, a star

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by Davenport Landing and its tidepools. I have a science project that focuses on sea star wasting syndrome. My group and I also collect data concerning sea star and mussel populations to see how sea star wasting syndrome in Davenport is affecting the mussels. 

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