Pray | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

I felt your grace touch me with every day I have
I felt your mercy touch me with every sin I make
I felt the same way you felt with me
Thou pray you see my talents
Thou pray I can
Seen apon thousand stars
A sun is born again
The moon is cherishing
For pray
The whisper in your breath
Sweetness in your voice
Richness of your heart
Steadiness of your hands
I pray
And at last
Oh with mighty might
To thou I might say
My end is not the end
But my beginning is
Thou beginning
Till death do thou part
Till hands make hope not weapons
Till love nor kill or destroy
The heavenly gates still awaits
So one day I can call home.

The author's comments:

This piece I have wrote was inspired when I have been in a car accident. By the grace of God I was not injured nor anyone in the car. I tried to make this poem not in religion. I want to let the audience know that even though it seems bad great things come out to it.

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