Waiting | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By Anonymous

A tree is planted.

One last remembrance.

A boy is crying,

A father is leaving

‘Must you go?’

‘I have no choice’

* * *

A boy sits on his porch,

like a lone flower in a sea of weeds.

Sunlight shining down

upon his face.

The boy sits on his porch


Waiting for his father to come around the corner

and waiting for a feeling.

The feeling of a family united

With snow covering the cold grass.

The boy sits on his porch

Waiting for his father.

But soon…

Minutes turn to hours,

Hours turn to days

Days to weeks

And weeks to years

The world

keeps spinning,

the grass

keeps growing,

and the shadow of

a tree is nearing

Yet the boy still waits.

He waits for the one last hug,

the last goodbye.


it never comes

The boy sits on

a shade covered porch

the tree has grown

too tall

The boy,

not a boy anymore,

Still waits.

The author's comments:

This poem was written to illustrate the connection a child has with his father. 

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