The Poem | Teen Ink

The Poem

January 8, 2019
By RylliISme BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
RylliISme BRONZE, West Linn, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
life's not about waiting for the storm to pass,<br /> its about learning to dance in the rain.


Im a poem

I'm also a villain

I'm the kind of poem

That you stay up all night writing

Only to find

Your dog ate me

In the morning.

I'm the kind of poem

That your

Teacher makes you write

Trying to probe your

Deepest fears out of you

Only to make you write an essay

About it latter

I'm the kind of poem

That is so terrible

You crumple me up

And tell your

creative writing teacher

Your dog ate it.

Im the kind of poem

That you go to throw away

And narrowly miss

The trash can

So you have to

Get up and

Finish the job.

Im the kind of poem

That you write all day

And lose me

Only to find me

After its late

And you only get

Half the points

Im the kind of poem

that all kids


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