I am not... | Teen Ink

I am not...

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

I am not obsessed with the way I dress

I am not spending every dime on makeup

I am not staring at myself for an hour when I get ready each morning

I am not interested in plastic surgery

I am not a princess who needs to be saved from the tower 

I am not emotional

I am not weak

I am not stupid

I am not going to act dumb for a man

I am not going to sit there and play with my hair

I am not going to get married young

I am not going to get preganant like those before me 

I am not in need of a sugar daddy

I am not excited when someone whistles at me

I am not an object

I am not a statistic

I am not a maid or cook

I am not interested in staying at home all day

I am not a prize to be won

I am not messed up when I say no

I am not rude when I am assertive

I simply am a force to be reckoned with

The author's comments:

This poem is inspired by other amazing artists' work that I drew inspiration from. 

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