My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 1, 2018
By tennisplayer BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
tennisplayer BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The greek meaning of my name is wisdom. Similar to an old woman with wrinkled skin, bright white hair put back in a big clip, she is sitting in a rocking chair on the porch of her old ranch style home, and she is full of stories from her childhood ages ago. A soft pink color, not bright, not dark, not pale, just there and easy for the eyes to look at.

My name is not from my family, I have no connection to it or interesting story to tell. The kids show, Sofia the First, is now one of the first things people think of when they hear the name. A proper princess that is sweet and intelligent. She is a common girl who is adventurous, until her mother married the king. Now she has different responsibilities and at the same time keeps her adventurous spirit.

My tennis team calls me all sorts of names, “Sweet sophie”, “pasta” and “turtle”. I'm not sure why or how they chose them for me. The girls on the team are crazy, we always have so much fun at our games and practices. I do not mind that they have their own creative names for me. I like the individuality it gives me. From that I really have no conclusions about my name. Only the fact that there are nicknames for me.

I have been given many different variations of my name. Including Soph, this reminds me of fun. She is outgoing and not worried about what others think of her. She might go out on the town with her friends and be the life of the night. There are almost always jokes falling from her lips. Soph is a hot pink but, Sophia is a light rose. The hot pink is out there and noticeable, while Sophia is a background accent color that is not usually the center of attention.

To my grandparents I am Sophia Elizabeth, almost like a queen. Never allowed to slouch and always must stay on good behavior. Not much fun to be around. She keeps to herself and almost always will agree with you.

If I were to change it I do not think I would. I like the way I can use different forms of the name for different situations. When I was young it was simply Sophie. Now my good friends who know my fun personality call me Soph. At school and work, with hopes to appear more professional I am Sophia. I am happy with Sophia and that is what I will stay.

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