You | Teen Ink


September 11, 2018
By _unknownuser_ BRONZE, Pleasant Hill, Missouri
_unknownuser_ BRONZE, Pleasant Hill, Missouri
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So wake me up in the spring<br /> While I'm high off my American dream<br /> We don't always say what we mean<br /> That's the lie of an American teen..."<br /> -Khalid American Teen (2018)

I want to hate those icy-blue eyes, your crooked-but-somewhat-comforting smile, your perfectly established height, your defined, muscular skin that's been kissed by the sun. I want to hate it all, but I can't. The crazy, misunderstood teenage side of me keeps saying, "No, you can't hate nor forget what you love". My excuse for this tiny voice inside is Stockholm's Syndrome: the disease in which a hostage has created a "bond" with their captor. But the facts are that I don't love you. I'm simply diseased with this strange syndrom. But I guess love is a diseaese too...

The author's comments:

As I was writing this piece two years ago, the words bled from scrambled thoughts, down through the blue, ballpoint pen I held in my hand, and onto the ever-so-delicate piece of paper that, at the time, lied on my dresser. How did this piece originate, you may be asking? Well in my earlier teenage years, I was in a dark place. I didn't have close freinds to talk to about what I was struggling with, so I resorted to a stranger that was anything but truthful. And at that time, I had no idea how decieving and manipulating people in this evil world could truly be. So I dedicate this to a very important individual. Thank you Adam C. , for making me the much better person that I am today. 

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