The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

May 17, 2013
By Alexandra Plauske BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
Alexandra Plauske BRONZE, Carlsbad, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I see a girl.

She runs away.

I follow.

She leads me far away.
She leads me to a black room.

I'm blinded by the darkness.

I feel for a door I find it.

I open it and turn, she's in the room.
She's ghostly with black hair, golden eyes, and painted red lips.

She smiles, her smile was like the Cheshire cat.

My stomach churns.

I try to walk to her i fall flat.
I try to ask her "what do you want?"

But the word don't come clear

She walks toward me

I'm drenched in fear
I try to scream but again nothing

I started to run

but she was too fast

I tripped and the ground was scorching like the sun
I get up as fast as a jack rabbit

I run till the hall ends

I turn slowly, starting to cry

the girl bends
She's picking up something

its shiny, she holds it in the air it’s a chain

she looks up, runs towards me and tackles me

she wraps the chain around my neck cutting off my air supply, I close my eye's
Then open them I’m in my room, panting

It was a dream

Cautious I look around my room for the girl nothing I was alone

It wasn't real it was only a dream.

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