Meadows | Teen Ink


April 5, 2009
By Harneet BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
Harneet BRONZE, Chandigarh, Other
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Let me tell this tale to you
Of this 80 year old young maiden
Dont wonder if you see no pills
Beside her broken bed

Let me take you to her garden
Though miles you have to walk
Still I wont asure tou that
You'll watch all trees, and every stalk

Dont forget to see the fresh new buds
That will soon bloom and fade away
But also look at the hardwood trees
That are to forever stay

Now that you've walked miles
Why not rest in her wooden house
Watch this lady st in solitutde
No children, no spouse

If you're not in hurry
Just take a glance at her withered skin
Her rosy lips-still so red
As she smiles,laying on her bed

Wonder who'll be there for her
No longer when she'll catch her breath
Look through the windows now
At the meadows that live and sleep to death

This lady when so young
Walked through the meadows
She smiled seeing their birth and cried
On their death,as she looked through the window

Now dear visitor,you may leave
Leaving this young lady behind
Dont worry about her being lonely
The meadows have always been kind.

The author's comments:
This poem tells about how nature can be the best companion to a person if we care for nature.It gives an assurance to those who are afraid to die alone that nature will take good care of them is they have ever been kind toward it.

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