Hiraeth | Teen Ink


November 13, 2017
By Abby156 SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
Abby156 SILVER, Lexington, Massachusetts
5 articles 3 photos 0 comments

The clouds move ike cotton candy at a city fair
The wind combs through the grass like my mothers hair.
The pebbles under my feet give me a cold fright, with the sun watching from a bird's sight.
The rocky plateau of a cliff to my left, covers the sunrise goodnight.
I watch as the breeze tumbles over the shores like melting chocolate.
If chocolate was melting, would it spread too thin?
Or would it clump up and be thrown in the bin?
Buildings like skyscrapers stood here before.
Made by Heaven, and then destroyed by the shore.
A shore not of waves but of the human hand.
Destroying, creating, manufacturing enterprise on sand.
The wind topples over empires and they are soon gone.
No one knows where, until the end of dawn.
The rich pile up their goods waiting to make their mark.
Yet they don’t know they’re just shooting in the dark. 
My tears are swept by the ocean breeze,
crying for the children that could never be.
I wait till I come back, and say the words,
“I’m Home”.

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