Guilt | Teen Ink


October 13, 2017
By ProjectLYNE SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
ProjectLYNE SILVER, Las Vegas, Nevada
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Not always sure what things called sins may be,
I am sure of one sin I have done.
It was some time in the past.
Two months ago maybe.
Sitting in a room only place that’s now safe,
In a house,
the atmosphere of depression and
anger taunting like hyenas that never seize laughter.
He cries out, “Why is it that I have to be the assh***!
I'm always the assh***!”
Being forced to stay out of my warm and safe, yet damaged
Then a volcano erupted inside me.
“I hope mom really does leave you!”
His face angered turning cold and sorrowful,
in the room flowing cries from self pity…
for four,
no five,
months of putting on puppet made happiness,

it still continues even when you read this
i hope my dad forgives my guilt.

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