His Eyes | Teen Ink

His Eyes

August 18, 2016
By squeeze SILVER, Kent, Other
squeeze SILVER, Kent, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I noticed first about my lover
His eyes that glimmered blue
Then as I followed him
His perfection grew and grew
The curve of his jaw
The golden trim of his lapel
Sweeping along the floor
The perfect motion of his steps
The most beautiful at the dance
And the most skilled too
I followed him around
Just on the chance
That he would notice me too

Then his eyes were on mine
And it was love at first sight
And we danced and danced and danced
Under the flawless velvet night
Then the days all laced together perfectly
There were no flaws in our eyes
We viewed each other through rosy glass
A time as perfect as when new snow lies

But as it did I grew to despise
My dark haired lover with blue eyes
His eyes did wander and so did his heart
Then he was absent a lot
And well you know the next part
But I learned to ignore and feign a smile
Whilst I planned my subtle revenge all the while

His heart of gold convinced me not
And for a while I put away
My idea for revenge not dissimilar from the gun powder plot
And explosive finale I had in play for those gorgeous eyes
I smiled and I laughed
And thought my lover was true
Until I found yet more evidence
He was dedicated to a heart I know not who

So now I look at my lover
And he back at me
And I raise him a glass
And he says not a word
Because his eyeballs sit on my mantelpiece
And his lesson has been learned

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