Mermaid and Man | Teen Ink

Mermaid and Man

May 16, 2015
By IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
IzzyB05 BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once there lived a mermaid from the deep.
She swam to an isolated cove to relax and get away.
The mermaid knew the danger she could be in if she were to ever oversleep.
Little did she know a traveler would come while she was asleep.

The traveler was dumbstruck at the sight of her tail.
He saw something astonishing  he never could say.
If he told  he would surely be declared irrational,
So he left then returned to that cove with clear waters unequal.

He came back the next day to see her.
This time she was awake and, at the sight of him, swam away.
He saw her awake and was more aware.
She was a beautiful creature, he could not help but stare.

Seeing he had no camera or crew she returned to the cove
He was a creature like no other, so strong and so tall
Her intention was to warn him to never tell anyone above.
He knew her secret and  they were falling in love.

It seemed as if they had each cast a spell.
There were no words to explain passion they felt.
He leaned down to kiss her and fell in as well.
For the fate of mermaid and man only time will tell.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by pictures of mermaids and the romance of a man fallin gin love with a mermaid. Two world and one love.

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