Hanging Over the Abyss | Teen Ink

Hanging Over the Abyss

April 21, 2015
By India McNeese BRONZE, Woodland, California
India McNeese BRONZE, Woodland, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Holding to this piece of rope
Toiling through the grief and hope
These tied up knots keep me alive
See, they give me glimpses of outside

I sway from side to side over the abyss
I suffer through years of confusion, years of bliss
Spending my time reaching for other ways out
Until I realize there was only ever one route

But I can not see the end of this tunnel yet
The emptiness scares me; I’m holding my breath
Climbing down is too easily achieved
But climbing up takes much more to succeed

So do not grow lost in the past
You become tangled within your own grasp
Life and love are not found down in a tomb
But up on the surface is where they bloom

If you are searching for your mind’s peace
Do not simply look for another and never release
For, if we want to sew and bond our hearts
We must be willing to climb out of this dark

The author's comments:

This piece of poetry was inspired by my own experiences and emotional battles. At this time so many things are changing around me. I wanted this piece to identify with my own growth as a person and look on to entering a new chapter in my life. This poem was not only created to express my own journey, but to also guide anyone who is still working to get out of the Abyss.  


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