Change | Teen Ink


December 4, 2014
By Indy_Elite GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
Indy_Elite GOLD, Indianapolis, Indiana
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.&quot;<br /> -Arthur Schopenhauer

I was 14, surprisingly still innocent and care free.

I remember countless hours of work with not a soul watching, just me.

I saw my life falling apart before my eyes.

I worried my agony would become as endless as night, and I'd become the second coming of Job.

I thought I was down for the count:but, I want to change.

I am 15 going on 40.

I think the world is a beautiful, dark, twisted fantasy.

I need to succeed (period)

I try to go back to that naïve state of mind.

I feel stressed, strained, and exhausted at the same damn time.

I forgive love, or the lack there of.

Now I can change.

I will be successful.

I choose to be relentless.

I dream of opulence and decadence, black diamond everything and a ten that isn't basic.

I hope I get it all, its what I strive for.

I predict myself paying more in taxes than most people make.

I know I won't be perfect, but I'll get what I desire because I outworked everybody for it.

I will change.

The author's comments:

!st poem I ever wrote for my 9th grade GT English Class.

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