A Letter to My Mother | Teen Ink

A Letter to My Mother

April 7, 2014
By E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
E.N.Baer BRONZE, Apple Creek, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I cry,
Because I just need your love!
But I understand that it's hard to give
When I'm locked up inside.
I want to open up, really I do!
But first I have to find the key.
I've searched high and low,
Over and under,
In all the cracks and crannies.
Just understand, a day will come when I find that key.
I'll show you my love,
It has never died,
I know it's alive because it burns me inside.
Just give me some time,
Too much has happened,
And years of pain
Take more then a few months to heal.
But, believe me, its happening,
I'm ready to say that,
Even if I don't yet understand what happened,
I forgive you, I love you, and, oh, how I need you!

The author's comments:
My mother has always loved me. I'm sure of that, but something happened a long time ago and she changed. Since then we haven't had a relationship worth anything. But I still love her. This poem is what I'd tell her if I had the guts to.

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